Always carry a camera. Lesson 1.
Always carry a camera. Lesson 1.
The traditional beach/pool family holiday… A chance to unwind, forget about work for a week and relax (well, as much as you can with two young children). The night before we flew I mentioned in passing to my wife that I probably wouldn’t take a camera.
In terms of photographs I already had in my mind I’d settle for the traditional snaps from my/her smartphone. It wasn’t a site-seeing kind of holiday, the demands from the children would leave me little time for photography, I’d be too concerned about losing it, having it stolen, dropping it in a bowl of ice cream/swimming pool/beer. I definitely had my reasons all worked out.
It was only her reaction that made me reconsider. She really felt it would be a shame and encouraged me to think again and I’m so glad she did (She’s usually right, mores the pity).
They say you can’t miss what you’ve never had, and these images will always be memorable to me as they were one conversation and a nudge in the right direction from never being taken.
In hindsight it seems obvious. Being around the children, documenting the every day is how I love to shoot, its what I do all the time… It's just in a different location and there's certainly no reason to stick to the norm when it comes to choosing what you shoot.
Anyway, here are a selection of what I shot… But only just ; )
Siesta time. Good for them, great for us (Also known as 'cheeky beer on the balcony time')
Holidays... A chance to reconnect and interact with your children
Beach life!
Suncream before the swimming pool
Yes it was in Spanish, but the hypnotic power of cartoons transcends language
Beach sunset